Friday, February 24, 2006

the man with the yellow hat

On a last minute whim, we decided to take all 3 kids to see a movie at the theater, the first time the 5 of us did that together! Well, we did go to IMAX with them, but I don't count that as a movie theater experience as the showing is much shorter and there's no popcorn involved!

I had already gone with the twins well over a year ago to see Madagascar. I was with a girlfriend and her son at the time. I really didn't see much of the movie as I was pretty much in and out of our seats with one or the other. Their attention span wasn't quite there and the bathroom trips not very quick :(

So, close to $50 later, the 5 of us are seated in the theater, popcorn and pop in hand, the kids tingling with excitement at finally seeing Curious George. The movie starts. Its a cute gentle story line. The kids are giggling at the antics of the monkey and the man with the yellow hat. Hubby and I are exchanging a contended glance at seeing the 5 of us enjoying this together and proud of the twins who are definitely more attentive to the cinematic experience developing before their eyes.

And then, the "bad guy" shows up. Why is it these kids' movies always have to have one? In this one, its a superintendent, big broad shoulder, an angry look on his face. Our idyllic family excursion was over. Baby girl jumped in my arms, wimpering, hiding her face and asking to go home :( Hubby and I exchanged a "here we go again" look. You see, big sis was just like that too. Unable to watch a movie, wimpering at every "bad" scene or "bad guy". So I had to reassure her for the rest of the movie and all the way home she talked about how she didn't like the"bad guy"

Well, we won't be doing that for a while. Will stick to watching movies at home. Cheaper too!!


nancy said...

EXACTLY what happened with us too. Our very first 'real' movie experience went extremely well - the ONLY negative thing being Ivan, the big bad guy in green who was mean to the monkey. BUT, they have asked numerous times to go see Curious George again...we'll wait for the DVD.

Silver Creek Mom said...

LOL! I can see nathan doing that. Although he would come up with ways to get rid of the bad guy.

We want to go see a movie but Ithink we'll stick to the Rainbow Cinema's at St. Laurent. $3.00 an adult! And I think kids under 5 are free, but check out the website.