Friday, January 20, 2006

mom's taxi service

Phew, a few minutes to catch my breath, the last two days were a whirlwind of activity.

Last summer, my dad was diagnosed with a basal cell carcinoma on his ear after several appointments here and there and he was scheduled for surgery. Well, talk about short notice, they call us two nights ago with the surgery time. First he has to go in for pre-admissions, the following day for admissions and the actual surgery. Of course, he's all stressed out with this. Add to this, that he can't drive himself there and back, speaks little English and needs me to translate, my mom can't drive, I'm an only child, the freezing rain caused bus cancellations for big sis'school, drastic driving conditions, gymnastics and skating lessons for the twins...long story short, its been two days of driving everyone here and there in a logistics nightmare. But we made it, all worked out. He's at home recuperating, back for a post-op next week.

Two things I gathered from this:

1. I'm definitely in the sandwich generation, caught between aging parents (mom 84 yo and dad 73 yo) and my kids and all of their respective needs

2. deficiencies in our healthcare system, although he was and is always treated very well, the waiting games are atrocious...we were talking to a man in the reception area who had been there for 4 hours waiting to get stitches removed, ridiculous. I think I'll stop at that cuz I could go on and on about healthcare issues and can be quite passionate about it but let's end it by saying that our domestic animals are better taken care of than us humans.


DaniGirl said...

Oy vey, what a week. I hope your dad is doing well and that you all find some quiet time this week to relax.

(And, à propos of nothing, I feel it's now the appropriate time for me to say, "I told you so!" As in, "I told you you would write great blog!" I can hear your voice so distinctly in your writing. Keep up the good work!)

BeachMama said...

Hope everything went well for your Dad today. I was definately exhausted reading about all your driving around. HOpe this weekend is fun for you!

Silver Creek Mom said...

OH dear...I hope your dad is ok. I hope you are ok. I know that feeling too. I have done it with My grandmother and I can see it comeing withMy Parents and I'm already the M taxi service well till she gets her lincese next year. What do I mean this summer! YIKES! I think I'd rather be the taxi service.

i agree with our health care system. THINGS have to improve. Cause as It is right now I have to be pretty darn sick to go anywhere near an emerency room.


nancy said...

I am thinking of you and your father this weekend, hoping all is well and everything goes smoothly. Your parents are blessed with you as their daughter.

Keep us posted!