Saturday, December 31, 2005

its all about hockey

I can barely skate and as a Canadian that's a little embarassing. I can ski though, so I'm not all that off the Northern track. Hubby on the other hand, was a hockey player and referree for years. When big sis was 3-4 yo she started skating lessons and that's when I started. First, with women's skates and I kept tripping over those picks so hubby got me guys skates and I managed much better but the skates kill my feet.

So its the twins turn to start skating lessons in the new year. They went a few times last year, dd doing much better than ds. Hubby got them new skates about a month ago and they've been wearing them indoors, walking on carpet, working on their balance. Poor hubby has been working for weeks now trying to set up this outdoor rink in our backyard so that they could practice there before the actual lessons start, but with the weather as of late, its been a long unsuccessful endeavour. So, a few days ago, we finally brought them to an indoor rink and after a few minutes of hesitation, they literally took off. Of course, I didn't go on the ice with them cause I can barely stand myself and didn't want them holding onto me. So I stayed on the sides, encouraging them, taking pictures and telling them "next time!" when they'd ask me when I'd go skating!! Gotta get myself some decent skates.

And to continue this whole skating theme, hubby got the family as a Christmas present this HUGE air hockey table, which is a total blast, and 5 tickets to an NHL game. talk about electrifying excitement in this household!! We finally attended this NHL hockey game tonight...the first one for the twins! It was so priceless...the look on their faces when entering the building, when seeing the hockey players, cheering and booing along with the crowd, they were so cute wearing their hockey sweaters and holding a stuffed version of the team mascot which they are still holding asleep in their beds. All the way home they were both talking about how when they'll be 5 yo they are both going to be hockey players :)

Gotta love hockey, it certainly helps make the long Canadian winters more bearable.


BeachMama said...

Ahhh, hockey. We have more than our share here and with "J" getting hockey gear for Christmas, we cannot wait until the rink accross the street opens :)

I still get chills going to see an NHL game.


nancy said...

HOORAY!!! Skating lessons!!!!