Thursday, February 22, 2007

meet joe

The new man in my life. Not a chance encounter yet we were put together at random. I will be meeting him at least twice a week over the next few weeks. So far so good. We seem to get along and he seems to know what he's doing. He's already motivated me a whole extra level and made me consider new things.

Joe is my personal trainer. Yep. I finally have one. One of my life goals reached. Never too late to fulfill a dream! I've never been super athletic but generally strong. But at this point in my life, I want to get serious about getting as fit as I can. I met with trainers here and there over the years. But this is different. Hubby got me a 12 session package with him. Two down already.

So for the past two weeks, I've been going to my new gym and enjoying it. More than I thought. I was doing my own thing and already feeling stronger.

Session One with Joe:
Review of my goals, measurement of resting blood pressure and heart rate. Discussion of my training heart rate. And now that I have a heart rate monitor watch, I've come to realize that I don't always bring my heart rate high enough while exercising. Something to work on. This chit-chat followed by some weight training and a grueling session on the stair master (which I would have gotten off of if he wasn't right next to me!).

Session Two with Joe: After the usual cardio and weight training component, he had me step on a machine to analyze my body composition. Now THIS was a wake-up call. My %body fat is high (no surprise there) but when he quantified that by saying I was carrying 76, yes seventy-six, pouinds of fat, I was in total shock. Those values put me in the "obese" category. Yikes!!! Not enough muscle mass, too much fat mass. Got my work cut out here.

So one day at a time, that's all I can do.

The key to success is patience and persistence.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That's a big step you're taking. You've seriously inspired me!

Loukia said...

Yay, congrats! It's so hard to do, I have not been the gym since before having my baby and he is almost 19 months old. Good for you, I'm sure you'll do great and please update with all the progress! I think you'll motivate me to hit the gym! (If I can only find the time...)

Silver Creek Mom said...

No way? Ther is no way you have that much fat on you. I KNOW YOU.

Maybe me but not you.

But Honestly you are my idol when it comes to commitment!


BeachMama said...

If your percentage of body fat is that high, mine would put you through the roof :).

I commend you so much on meeting with Joe and working out. I miss my workouts that I started last year and getting the personal trainer was the best thing I did for myself last year.

I will be cheering you on and hopefully I will have my own Joe back next fall when all is said and done :).