Monday, August 07, 2006

the long week-end

The weather has been awesome and so has the partying. For 3 straight nights: pool party at a friends' house followed by a house warming party with other friends and finally supper out with the most excentric but utterly fun couple we know at a most amazing restaurant with an incredible wine bar and kidless too!!! No wonder I feel the intense need for a body detoxification and that sun feels somewhat too bright today ;)

BUT I have a long standing pet peeve with this Ontario Civic Holiday.

The first Monday of August is not legally considered a statutory holiday in Ontario. Of course, in this city of Civil servants who get the day off and payed things are at a standstill. Some things are open, some things are closed. My plea is that if its a holiday then it should be a stat holiday for EVERYONE. For years, as a small business owner, this day caused dilemnas. The employees wanted the day off like everyone else but as an employer I couldn't afford to close the business AND pay them for a day I wasn't legally bound to pay them for. So they either came to work OR took the day off with no pay. So this was never a long week-end for us. I always worked and so does hubby today ;)

And don't get me started on Remembrance Day! Another Civil Servant only holiday. So what, the rest of us are not allowed to "remember" our fallen heroes! If WE can't afford to pay for another statutory holiday, then I offer to remove Victoria Day (an old sentimental holiday) and add the Civic and Remembrance Day as official stats for EVERYONE.

OK, off my soapbox and on to a flower picture, haven't had one in a while :)

Enjoy YOUR long week-end!


nancy said...

We've also been in high holiday partying mode...too much fun, but sure cuts into blogging time.

Now we have to detox for October...snicker.

Glad you are having fun...CHEERS!!!

BeachMama said...

I have to admit that even in my condition I have been having a long weekend blast! My neice and nephew are here from out West and with all of my Sisters home at the same time, it is a party, even if I can't dance ;).

I totally agree on the Stat thing, has always bugged me.